Inspiration: "Olomana" was painted in 3 sittings. The first time, I was blown off the area by a series of strong winds. The group of women exercising (stroller strides) was seeing if I would stick it out, but we all left and I returned after getting my layout in. I used to pride myself on trying to finish in one sitting "Alla Prima", but I took the pressure off myself. Fellow Plein Air artist Mark Norseth would tell me, "Who says it has to be done in one sitting?" He was right. I also remember some of the laid back guys in high school would say "taaakkkeee ittt eeeaaasssyyyy!" - NEW RELEASE"> Inspiration: "Olomana" was painted in 3 sittings. The first time, I was blown off the area by a series of strong winds. The group of women exercising (stroller strides) was seeing if I would stick it out, but we all left and I returned after getting my layout in. I used to pride myself on trying to finish in one sitting "Alla Prima", but I took the pressure off myself. Fellow Plein Air artist Mark Norseth would tell me, "Who says it has to be done in one sitting?" He was right. I also remember some of the laid back guys in high school would say "taaakkkeee ittt eeeaaasssyyyy!" - NEW RELEASE">

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